The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft Books

Known as “the Father of American Wicca,” Raymond Buckland is credited for introducing Wicca to the United States. His book Witchcraft From the Inside was the first American book about the Old Religion written by an actual witch. Since that time, Raymond has become a well-respected and renowned spirituality and occult author, writing more than 60 books, including the classic Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft and the three encyclopedias: The Witch Book, The Fortunetelling Book, and The Spirit Book. You can see more of Buckland witchcraft books at the Buckland Museum.

About the Author

In 1962, Raymond Buckland came to the United States from England, where he had written comedy scripts and was a personal scriptwriter for famous British comedian Ted Lune. During his years in England, Raymond developed a deep interest in the occult. This spurred him to research the topic, which eventually led to the creation of a whole body of published fiction and non-fiction work. Today, Raymond has nearly two million copies of his books in print and has had them translated into 17 foreign languages.

Raymond has received numerous awards for his work, and his books have been featured in several national book clubs. He has served as a Technical Director for movies—working with the likes of Orson Wells, John Carradine, Vincent Price, and William Friedkin (director of the film The Exorcist).

Of Romany (Gypsy) descent, Raymond was an authority on Gypsies and has written several books on the subject. He has also lectured at colleges and universities across the country and been the subject of articles in such newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, New York Sunday News, New York Daily News, National Observer, Look Magazine, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cosmopolitan, and True—just to name a few.

In addition to his appearances in print, Raymond has also appeared on numerous national radio and television talk shows, including the Virginia Graham Show, the Dick Cavett Show (appearing with Faye Dunaway), the Tom Snyder Tomorrow Show, Barbara Walters’ Not for Women Only, and the Sally Jessy Raphael Show, as well as on BBC-TV, England, RAI-TV, Italy, and CBC-TV, Canada. He has appeared extensively on stage in England and played small character parts in several American movies.

As a teacher, Raymond has taught courses at colleges and universities and has been a featured speaker at conferences and workshops. He is listed in a number of reference works, including Contemporary Authors, Who’s Who in America, Men of Achievement, and International Authors’ & Writers’ Who’s Who.

The Buckland Museum was established in 2017 in Cleveland and is a well-known tourist location for those curious about witchcraft and magic and interested in the occult.
The Buckland Museum Witchcraft Book

Delve into the occult world of Raymond Buckland

Exploring the Work of Raymond Buckland

A prolific writer on the subject of Wicca, many of Raymond Buckland books remain in circulation. Some of his more famous works include Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft, Practical Candleburning Rituals: Spells & Rituals for Every Purpose, The Spirit Book, Buckland’s Book of Spirit Communications, Wicca for One, and The Buckland Spirit Board. He also has a two-hour DVD version of his popular Wicca video Rebirth of the Old Religion.


Re-released is the popular Buckland Romani Tarot book and deck, now published by Galde Press—who also bring you Ray’s new fantasy novel The Torque of Kernow.


You may participate in a variety of witchcraft and magic-related events if you visit the Buckland Museum! If you’re far from the museum but want to read fiction and non-fiction books, contact us and we will gladly assist you.